The mentoring programme for massage therapists - take your massage business to the next level

Attract your perfect clients, earn more money and have a greater impact doing the work you love..

You finished your first massage qualification all fired up about becoming a therapist. You were so excited about using your new skills to help the people who needed you - it never occurred to you that as well as being a massage therapist, you were about to become a business owner too

Then one day, You look around and it hits you - You’ve been working so hard, but you’re still hardly making enough to live on.

This isn’t actually a business. you’ve just been playing at having a massage business.

You realise that you have NO IDEA how to:


  •  Attract the right clients.
    ( How do you find clients who really value your work, who don't drain and exhaust you).

  • Raise your prices without losing clients
    (Everyone goes on about “charging your worth” but what does that even mean? Surely you need to stick to what everyone else is charging?). 

  • Stand out amongst all the competition?
    (There’s so many other massage therapists out there  - the only way is to keep your prices low, meaning you have to bust a gut to earn enough money - surely your expertise is worth more than that?)

And the worst thing of all is, your job is so vulnerable - all it takes is an injury, sickness or... a pandemic... to hit, and you have no way of earning more.

 It’s disheartening to feel like “just another massage therapist” when you know you could be so much more. 

Where do you even start with it all? All the marketing “gurus” are telling you to do different things and you just feel completely overwhelmed.

You’re exhausted from spending all your time and energy doing everything possible to get more clients and make more money - but nothing seems to make any difference. You feel you’ve tried everything, so now what?!


  • Invested in learning tons of new modalities so you can offer different treatments.
  • Kept your prices low and offered discounts to get client to stick around.
  • Tried posting on facebook and instagram and everywhere else you can think of - but you have no idea what you’re doing and it’s not getting you any clients.
  • Said yes to every client who shows up - even if they’re not ideal, because anyone’s better than no one, right?

Sometimes you think you’re just not cut out for this…

You’re starting to lose your massage mojo and you really, really don’t want to stay small and struggling one second longer.

I know this about you: You are READY TO:

  • Have a business that actually makes you (more than) enough money
  • Work with clients that you completely love and who value you.
  • Step up and be seen as the go-to therapist in your area, so you can charge more and have clients lining up to work with you.
  • Feel business savvy, feel empowered and feel confident that you know WHAT to do and HOW to do it
  • Feel confident to finally take charge of your business and make it work for you

You're ready to take yourself and your business to the next level.

To stop being “ONE OF THE CROWD” and become

I can help you become the in-demand, stand-out therapist you know you can be. 

What would it mean to you to:

  • Know what to focus on and prioritise and what to let go of, so that your business starts to feel easy and simple and FUN!
  • Know how to attract your perfect clients - the ones who feel like a joy to work with and make the job seem effortless.
  • Have clients who really value your work  - you are confident to raise your rates because they are still clamouring to work with you!
  • Know that you can take time off when you want, without feeling guilty and without working extra hours before and after. You’ve doubled, maybe even tripled your income and you’re not worried about money! 
  • Know exactly what to write on social posts and on your website to get your perfect clients booking in.

You don’t need more training and courses where you struggle to piece things together on your own.
You need someone in your corner who’s already done the work, who can give you individualised support, encouragement and strategy

 – you need a mentor

And that’s where I come in!

I helped these massage therapists to up-level their businesses - and I can help you too.

Who am I anyway?

Hi, I'm Nikki.

I'm a Massage therapist just like you and I spent the first 10 years of my “career” bumbling around and making it up as I went along...

I tried to grow my practice the way most therapists do – seeing every client who came in the door, training in tons of different modalities and working every hour possible.

I was working hard, so I thought I was doing everything right. But I just wasn’t making enough money and my business wasn’t sustainable.

And as if to prove it to me,  two disasters struck at the same time – I fell ill with M.E and the 2008 economic crash happened

I lost half my business overnight. And because of my M.E, I struggled to physically carry out the treatments that WERE in my schedule.

I realised that if I couldn’t work harder, I needed to work smarter. What if I focused on the quality rather than the quantity of the treatments I did? Could I charge a lot more for a massage?

I started to learn all about business and marketing and I realised something that blew my mind...

...becoming an amazing therapist takes years of hard work, dedication, passion, skill and experience.
There’s no fast track to becoming a pro at what you do.


...becoming a SUCCESSFUL Massage therapist – working with your ideal clients and earning the money you want - CAN be fast-tracked.

You just need to understand and apply the right marketing principles

 So I applied them to my business  - virtually doubling my prices and it worked! I had new clients messaging me to work with me. I could pick and choose who I wanted to work with and my job became a joy.

And I started to teach other therapists how to do it.

These days I’m a business mentor for massage therapists and body workers.

I love seeing the therapists I work with finally able to earn decent money and create sustainable, fulfilling businesses.

I’ve helped them to become confident business owners who treat their massage practice as a business rather than a hobby.

And I can help you too!

Want to know more? Great! Let’s chat about your goals and see if working together is the right fit!

Let's chat!

Ready to build your Dream Massage Business?
Here’s how:

A 6 month mentoring programme that will TRANSFORM your massage business.
Learn how to get a steady flow of perfect-for-you clients, turn them into regulars AND be confident to charge higher rates - while still having clients lining up to work with you.

...even if you don’t know the first thing about marketing.

You aren’t supposed to go it alone in life, or in business...

... and with Build Your Dream Massage Business 1:1 mentoring, you don’t have to. 

I’ll work with you step by step to help you create the business of your dreams. One that means more impact, more income and more ease for you; one that you feel
to know EXACTLY what to do to up-level your massage business, and more importantly, HOW to do it.

I’ll bring my years of experience of building a successful massage business and help you design a personal, actionable strategy unique to you.

No more feeling overwhelmed, lost and unsure. No more losing hours of your life to you-tube videos on how to get more clients. No more doubting if you’re doing the right things, in the right way, in the right order!

I’ll show you how to do this massage business thing!

Step by step, with a mix of gentle encouragement, insight and strategy, we will get you and your amazing gifts out there  - so you can earn a proper income, helping people and doing work you love.

What's included?

Bi-Weekly, 1 Hour Mentoring Calls

Get my full support to motivate, inspire, keep you accountable and show you the next steps to building your dream massage business.

A recording of the call will be sent to you after each session, so you can refer back to it.

Website and Social Media Reviews.

I’ll review your website and your facebook/instagram page and give you advice on how to make them more compelling and attractive for your clients.

 Free access to the "Build Your Dream" Library

I have over 100 resources in my Library - all created to help you build your dream massage business. After each call, I’ll send you the step-by-step instructions, worksheets, templates and guides to help you implement your action plan easily

Personalised Action Plan

Emailed to you after each mentoring session, with a step-by-step breakdown of action tasks to keep you moving forward. You're never left wondering what to do next OR how to do it.

You'll also get:

  • Your own Custom Strategy
    By the time you and I finish our first call, I will have already masterminded your custom strategy for building your dream business.
    In the subsequent sessions, we will review and adjust as necessary.

  • My eyes on your work
    I'm with you every step of the way as you build your dream massage business – and that includes casting my eye over your website copy, your social media content, ideas for your signature treatments & more. (includes feedback and proof-reading, not editing /copy writing.)

I am here to help every step of the way in getting all the key pieces in place so that you have clarity instead of overwhelm and so that the right clients can consistently find you!


"Unveil your vision"

A meditative, visioning process to help you get crystal clear on your goals for your business (and your life!)

"Rebooking Your Clients Every Time"

Taken from my Signature course, The Massage Mastery Programme - this mini-course includes 6 bite-sized video lessons to help you rebook your clients easily without feeling pushy or salesy.

  • Having a business that supports the LIFE you want to live and enables you to be financially secure even in uncertain times.

  • Being seen as the go-to therapist in your area - so you can pick and choose who you work with (or WHEN you work).

  • Feeling confident to raise your rates in a way that finally feels like a match for the energy and expertise you put into your treatments.
  • Having a massage business which feels simple, enjoyable, sustainable AND makes you money

Here's what my lovely clients are saying about working with me:

"I’d been feeling so discouraged and overwhelmed. I was spending a great deal of time and energy and wasn’t getting anywhere. I was ready to give up.

Then I started Nikki’s mentoring programme, With her help I have started a new business, grown a Facebook group to 60, Insta page to 70, email list to 50 and I have started to reach and help people around the world.

I never imagined that I would be doing this type of business and didn’t feel I was able, but Nikki gave me the confidence.

It is so encouraging for me to at last be making a positive impact. I can’t tell you the relief and happiness this all gives me. My business has got off to a great start and I love what I am doing now. 

My confidence and drive for life has improved and I am a little bit excited!"

 - Katy (Buckinghamshire, UK)

"I was feeling unsure about lots of thing s to do with my massage business and needed someone with an overview of the whole situation to act as a sounding board.

From just the initial chat I was given tons of really useful advice, specific to exactly what I’m doing. I feel so much more motivated and on top of things now.

Nikki really gets what I’m doing. She knows all the steps I need to take to get where I want to be."

- Devon (Manchester, UK)

"The incredible mentoring Nikki has given me has taken me from a being just a massage therapist to having a niche online therapy business.

10 weeks ago this business didn’t exist, and now I’ve been in contact with people in the UK, USA and even Australia. Thanks to Nikki’s amazing mentoring advice and spot-on practical and insightful suggestions. This has really future-proofed my business.

If you’re looking for ways to change and grow your business – in ways you hadn’t even thought possible – then working online with Nikki will create ideas and directions for you to move in that will be rewarding, do-able and realistic.

I’ve loved all the practical brainstorming sessions and nikki’s review and feedback of my concept, website and content has been invaluable."

- Lana (Cumbria)


I was working so hard with my therapy business that some days I was flat out exhausted and it began to take a toll on my own health and wellbeing.

Then I found Nikki Wolf.

Nikki got the nub very quickly of what I needed. I found the mentoring sessions profound, inspiring and at the same time very practical.

I learnt how to rebook clients and charge properly for my skills. How to find those clients who didn’t drain and exhaust me. I learnt how to stand out from all the other therapists out there.

With Nikki’s help, I re-wrote my website. I've never had so many positive comments from new clients on my website. Clients now book 2 months in advance to avoid disappointment.

It’s meant I can raise my prices and only work part-time. I can do the things I love like swimming and Yoga.

I have more energy to give clients and genuinely am in love with my therapies again.

With Nikki’s help, I learnt to truly believe in myself and my therapies. It's been life-affirming.

- Helen (Petersfield, UK)

Want to know more?

Great! Book a free call here and we can chat to see if working together is the right fit! No pressure, I promise.

Who is this for?

This is for you if you've qualified massage therapist for at least 2 years and:

  • You are great at massage, but not so great at the business side of things. You want to be great at BOTH so that your business is viable in the long-term.

  •  You know you're good at what you do, but your business isn't growing fast enough, or to the level you want. You're afraid you're not reaching your full potential.

  • You feel like you’re making it up as you go along - you’ve got enough clients, but making far too little money for the work you put in and you know this has to change. You are ready to step-up and go pro.

  • You know you’re not charging enough, but you’re scared or doubtful about charging more.

  • You feel invisible amongst all the other therapists out there. You want to stand-out let people know about your massage magic.

  • You want to feel confident and business savvy. You want to know how to get clients and make the money you want to.


I’ve only just qualified in massage - should I wait to get mentoring?

This mentoring programme is not for you if you've got no experience with actually doing massage. It's important that you feel confident and are good at what you do! So if that's not you, go and get some experience and come back when you're ready.

I don’t do massage therapy – I do other holistic therapies, like energy healing, Reflexology, or Bowen therapy. Would mentoring help me?

I’m a holistic therapist too! and yes, these strategies can work for any kind of bodyworker/healer/therapist.

I have a business that employs other massage therapists - can you help me?

Fraid not - I only work with self-employed, solo therapists, as that’s where my experience lies.

How do I know if "Build your Dream Massage Business" mentoring is right for me?

Get on a call with me and let's chat about it.  It’s in my best interests to only work with people who I know I can help, so I promise I will be completely honest and transparent as to whether I can help you.

Is there a guarantee?

There is a 7 day cooling off period between your purchase and our first mentoring session. If you change your mind within 7 days from the date of your purchase, before any mentoring is given, then you will receive a full refund. Once the mentoring has started there will be no refunds available.

Can I get CEUs/ CPD points for this?

Yes, check with your professional association, but these are usually available for mentoring.

Can I write this off for taxes?

Yes, mentoring is usually a verifiable business expense and should be tax deductible. I will provide you with a receipt.

Now's your time!

Get clear, get confident, and create a successful and sustainable massage business that finally works for YOU!

So what's the next step?

Want to uplevel your massage business?

Book a call and we can chat to see if working together is the right fit!